Educator's Conference Resource Center

Welcome to the Educator's Conference Resource Center. Here, you’ll find a wealth of resources to help you continue exploring new ideas, innovative teaching strategies, and best practices from previous conferences. Whether you’re looking to revisit sessions, deepen your learning, or connect with concepts that resonate, this center is here to support your educational journey long after the event.

February 27 & 28, 2025

The U.P. Principals’ Summit 2025 brought together education leaders from across the Upper Peninsula for two days of professional learning, collaboration, and networking. The event featured keynotes on AI in education and leadership development, along with breakout sessions on instructional strategies, school improvement, and policy updates. Attendees engaged in discussions on rural school leadership, conflict resolution, and strategic decision-making, gaining practical insights to enhance student success.


Findings from Rural Principals in Michigan - Dr. Bergh, Dr. Edge, & Dr. Lubig

SET SEG, Who We Are - Jim Bobula

AI for Personalized Learning - Justin Bruno

MEMSPA Elementary and Middle-Level Updates and Discussion - Kimberly Gillow

The Role Leaders Play - Kimberly Gillow

Legislative Update - Bob Kefgen

Leaders Grow Leaders - Cultivating the Next Generation - Tom Lietz

Negotiating Conflict - Leadership Behavior and Tactical Application - Tom Lietz

Secondary Update - All MASSP Has to Offer and What You Need From Us - Tom Lietz

Multi-Disciplinary Teams @ CLK

Social Emotional Learning @ Forest Park

MTSS, Literacy, PLCs, and Standards-Based Grading @ Ironwood

Teaching Students to Drive Their Learning

Making Learning Visible

Dr. John Hattie is a world-renowned educational expert. He has examined 2,100 meta-analyses comprising more than 130,000 studies involving 400 million students around the world, leading to the Visible Learning books series that has been translated into 29 different languages and sold more than two million copies.   His research interests include performance indicators, models of measurement, and evaluation of teaching and learning.

More about Dr. John Hattie and his work with Visible Learning

Dr. John Hattie


Making Learning Visible - Dr. John Hattie
Get Started with Visible Learning Titles
Collective Efficacy - Dr. Jenni Donohoo
Fostering Metacognition - Dr. Jenni Donohoo
Overcoming the Enemies of Efficacy - Dr. Jenni Donohoo
Student Self-Efficacy - Dr. Jenni Donohoo
Success Criteria Essentials - Dr. Jenni Donohoo
Generative AI is Here (Elementary) - Myron Dueck
Generative AI is Here (Secondary) - Myron Dueck
Passenger to Copilot (Elementary) - Myron Dueck
Passenger to Copilot (Secondary) - Myron Dueck
Throwing the Laptop in the Lake - Myron Dueck
Addressing Chronic Absenteeism - Dr. Kim Gibbons
Data in Action, Mastering Assessment Decision-Making - Dr. Kim Gibbons
MTSS Unlocked - Dr. Kim Gibbons
Strengthening Tier 1 - Dr. Kim Gibbons
Unlocking Literacy - Dr. Kim Gibbons
Clarity Through Assessment - Dr. Garth Larson
Clarity Through Collaboration - Dr. Garth Larson
Clarity Through Connection - Dr. Garth Larson
Clarity Through Reflection - Dr. Garth Larson

Building Strong Systems for All Learners

Raising Student Achievement: Academic Outcomes to Behavioral Outcomes through MTSS

Garth Larson, Ed.D is the Co-Founder and CEO of FIRST Educational Resources. Garth has previously worked as a director of learning, elementary principal, and started his career in education as a high school speech and English teacher. Garth currently consults with school districts around the world and provides customized professional development around a variety of topics, mainly Professional Learning Communities 2.0, learning-centered grading practices, leadership, and school improvement.

More about Dr. Larson and First Educational Resources

Garth Larson - Photo


English Language Arts
Social Studies