Classroom Programs
Marquette-Alger RESA Transition Classrooms
As part of Transition Services support for students and their families in making the leap from post-school supports to adult agencies, the program consists of three classrooms that run parallel to the public school year. The program is designed to help young adults with disabilities learn skills to increase independence in the areas of employability, community involvement, and independent or adult daily living skills.
- Transition IB
- Location: St. Michael's at 401 W. Kaye Avenue in Marquette
- Students: Young Adults aged 18 to 26
- Transition IA
- Location: St. Michael's at 401 W. Kaye Avenue in Marquette
- Students: Young Adults aged 18 to 26
- Transition II
- Location: St. Michael's at 401 W. Kaye Avenue in Marquette
- Students: Young Adults aged 18 to 26
Great Lakes Recovery Center Classroom
Marquette-Alger RESA operates a classroom in the Great Lakes Recovery Center (GLRC). This classroom provides services to students from across the state that are placed in GLRC. Students who are in the program are able to continue with their academic coursework while undergoing treatment for substance abuse addition. The goal is to ensure a smooth academic transition back into their school residence.
- Great Lakes Recovery Center Classroom
- Location: GLRC Youth Services building on 104 Malton Road in Negaunee.
- Students: Ages 7th to 12th grade
- Supports: One classroom teacher, a classroom aide, and one GLRC staff member support this program.
Classroom Program Staff
Special Education Supervisor