Medicaid Outreach
Free or low-cost health coverage for children under the age of 19, or pregnant women of any age. Many Michigan children go without health care because they have no insurance coverage.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has programs available that can help families with their children’s health care needs. Families without insurance are encouraged to apply and know what benefits they may receive.
DHHS will determine which program a family qualifies for. Families need to know that it will not hurt their chances of receiving other services if they or their children use health care benefits.
Medicaid is health care coverage for eligible, low-income people and working families.
- This includes families, children, women who are pregnant, and persons under the age of 21.
- Medicaid also offers help to people who are blind, disabled or age 65 or over.
- The Medicaid Application is good for accessing multiple applications, including Healthy Kids, MIChild, and Medicaid.
There are several organizations with staff to assist with the application process.
- Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
- Michigan Medicaid Online Application
- MDHHS local office directory by county
- For additional Medicaid Outreach questions, please contact Kelly Sager at
Healthy Kids
Healthy Kids is a Medicaid health care program for low-income children under age 19 and for pregnant women of any age.
- There is only an income test.
- There is no monthly premium for Healthy Kids.
- Most children who are eligible for Healthy Kids are enrolled in a Medicaid health plan.
- Healthy Kids provides a comprehensive package of health care benefits including hearing, vision, dental, immunizations, well child visits, emergency care, and mental health services.
MIChild is a health care program administered by the Department of Health and Human Services for the low-income, uninsured children under age 19 of Michigan’s working families.
- There is only an income test.
- There is a $10 per family monthly premium for MIChild. The $10 monthly premium is for all of the children in one family.
- The child must be enrolled in a MIChild health and dental plan in order to receive services.
- Beneficiaries receive a comprehensive package of health care benefits including hearing, vision, dental, immunizations, well child visits, emergency care, and mental health services.
For more information and an application, contact MIChild at 1-888-988-6300, the MIChild website, or the MIChild Online Application.