Welcome to the General Education Services
Within General Education Services, you will find staff, programming, events, and resources dedicated to support the teaching and learning of students, staff, administrators, parents, and community.
General Education Focus Areas
We recognize the enormous challenges faced by local school districts in addressing and complying with the vast number of requirements and changes and endeavor to assist them in this regard. Broadly speaking, the focus areas of General Education include:
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Core Content Areas
- Instructional Strategies
- Assessment
- Curriculum Committees
- Multi-Tiered System of Support
- Literacy
- Learning Networks
- Social Studies Learning Team
- Literacy Leaders
- New Teachers Support
- Coaching Network
- Instructional Technology Integration Specialist
- Regional Educational Media Center 21 (REMC 21)
- Video Conferencing
- Michigan Virtual High School
- Seat Time Waivers
Career & Technical Education (CTE)
- Student Internships
- Program Opportunities
- Articulated Credit
- Marquette Alger Technical Middle College
School and District Improvement
- The School Improvement Process
- The Annual Education Report
- AdvancEd Reporting Site
- SLO - Student Learning Objectives
Administrative Support
- Elementary Principals Meetings
- Middle and High School Principals Meetings
- New Teacher Mentoring
- U.P. Administrators Academy
- Walkthroughs
Professional Learning
- Calendar Events
- FallEdCon
- WinterEdCon
- Seaborg Math and Science Center
- Professional Development Logs
Transition Services
- Transition IA Classroom
- Transition 1B Classroom
- Transition II Classroom
- Work-Based Opportunities
- Michigan Rehabilitation Services
Marquette-Alger RESA Administrative Unit Classrooms
(Title I D Enhanced Classrooms)
- Great Lakes Recovery Center Classroom
- Teaching Family Homes
- Day Treatment Therapeutic Classroom
Title IX-McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Educational Support
- Federal Homeless Education Grant for the districts in the U.P.
- Grant provides McKinney-Vento student's resources for school-related needs
- Professional Development and Support
- District Liaisons
- Staff Members
- Students
- Parents
- Community Agencies
Health and Prevention
- PE-Nut - Nutrition Education
- Prime for Life
- Michigan Model for Health